Author Archives: scott


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    AUTUMN TERM 2022

    During the summer months we have said farewell to our Graduates of 2022 as they embark on their own personal journeys into the industry. We welcomed friends and family to view their in house production of Legally Blonde, so proud to see them perform and the building buzz with excitement. I am also delighted to be able to showcase the Graduate Showreels on our Graduate page on this website – just click on the tab where you can view their own reels – these showreels were all completed by the graduates themselves and as a team we are all so proud of what they have achieved. The whole Masters team will watch now as they carve their own path – and we look forward to hearing all their news !

    September came and as we settled back into our studios in Essex for the start of term we welcomed back our current cohort of students who are now entering their final year with us here on the Masters course. Along with our creative team , we are enjoying finding our feet again and also welcoming some new faculty to HQ which is exciting to see some new faces and have the students enjoy their input into their training programme.

    Year 3 are about to embark on their first in house performance of the year – The Fashion Show – do look out on our socials for some footage of this !

    I shall look forward to keeping you updated throughout the terms , and look forward to meeting friends and family of our students soon.







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    Following Masters new partnership, announced earlier this Summer and after an incredible 19 years for me personally, my Masters journey is now ending.


    Having experienced so very much along the way, I would like to thank the numerous people that have been a part of this, who have supported me, stood by my side and helped me achieve the many goals – You know who you are. I am privileged to have worked with some of the most passionate, faithful, talented, creative people and friends – for this I am forever lucky and truly grateful. There have been so many instrumental people over my time here, some stayed a while and some left too soon but with respect and fond memories to all who made a difference and to those who still remain the Masters family. Having also nurtured and worked with countless students, I again stand tall with gratitude and pure pride, having witnessed some of the most incredible talent and success stories. I also must thank all the supporters of Masters, for their belief and trust. 

    I would now like to wish Vikki Bussell, along with the Creative Team and the current students here, all the very best as they move Masters forwards into its next chapter.

    It has been my absolute honour to captain this ship.

    Forever Proud





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    With the Autumn Term commencing, Masters return to HQ and welcome back our students, alongside our dedicated Team. We are also delighted to inform you of some exciting and major changes over the Summer months. Masters have now merged and partnered with Performers College. Performers College is a highly recognised training establishment and has been delivering its courses for over 30 years. They offer training in Higher Education and Further Education and are renowned for training their students to be highly employable ‘Triple Threat Students’. Performers College sits within a larger educational Group, BIMM Institute which is Europe’s largest, most connected creative industries Institute with a portfolio of Music, Screen and Film and Performing Arts Colleges. Performers College became part of BIMM in 2019 and is now able to avail of BIMM’s Degree Awarding Powers and to embrace Masters as an educational partner within the wider group. 

    After 25 successful years of Masters offering a specialist vocational course for talented young performers, through our own Diploma course, of which we are fiercely proud of, alongside all of our personal achievements, it is time for a new chapter. All of our current students continue to train on the Masters course, with the Masters staff but also under this exciting new structure. 

    We also take a moment to reflect on the challenges of this past academic year – training with a global pandemic. We must acknowledge once again, the resilience and strength of all our students and staff and are also immensely proud of our achievements, during these unprecedented times. With covid still being at the forefront of our everyday lives and in our return to this new term, we remain mindful and observant of this ongoing situation. Our covid risk assessment gives guidance and regular testing remains a request, for a safe and secure training practise here at Masters. 

    We would like to congratulate and wish all the very best to our recent Graduates, as they embark on their new journey’s and we celebrate each and every one of them. Turning our immediate thoughts and energy now to our current students and the term and year ahead, we are excited and lucky to be nurturing and working with these talented and versatile young adults. With a strong plan in place and every individual at the forefront of our thought process, we continue and strive to deliver an inspiring, rigorous and dynamic training programme for all.

    Wishing everyone a safe, kind and rewarding Autumn Term.

    Matt Plummer




    As we fast approach the end of our academic year and what a year it has been for everyone, Masters remain proud and grateful of our staff and students. Alongside this, of our own ability to continue to deliver a full training programme, during this global pandemic. With Covid restrictions and class bubbles obviously still in place at the College this term, we are lucky to now have full face-to-face classes, back in play.

    Masters are delighted that most recently we were able to work on Inhouse productions with all year groups and bring the joy and adrenaline of performance back into the building, also allowing covid restricted audiences. To see them attend and enjoy these events was such a highlight. Live Theatre happening again – much needed for both invited audience, creatives and cast members. This term we have also welcomed Our Advisory Panel back into HQ, continuing to listen, learn and grow, which is vital for development here at Masters. Alongside this, we offered webinars with Terry Hyde and Rebecca Heald, backing up our Welfare Team already in place here, ensuring the mental & physical health and safety of students remains paramount.

    We now look towards the finish line for our Graduates and also ensuring that Yr 1 and 2 are ready for their jump up the college ladder. Focusing heavily our energy on ensuring that the Grads are fully equipped, feeling ready and supported for their next step, out into the Industry.

    Proud Principal once again, of individual journeys and achievements this term, next to the resilience of these young adults, which we all continue to witness and be inspired by.

    Keep safe and well.

    Matt Plummer



  4. NEWSLETTERS DEC 2020 & JAN 2021

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    Start of Term – January 2021

    As we continue to head into 2021 under exceptional circumstances we find ourselves adapting & evolving.Whilst plans have been changed we still aim for the same goals.

    For our students to be the best versions of themselves, achieving beyond their expectations. even during a Global Pandemic!

    We want to give our Students the opportunity to stay connected, motivated & continue to work towards their chosen pathways.

    Since the Government announcement on 4th January we have been following closely the advice from the Public Health England, our local authority & our own risk assessor. The safety & wellbeing or our students & staff is our first priority.  All classes will now be conducted online & our Virtual HQ will be our home for these next few weeks.

    We are able to deliver a full timetable with our resident team, mind-set & wellbeing professionals, along with guest creatives all being part of the delivery.

    Following the success of our Virtual Open Day last term we have our second on Saturday 16th January. This gives any prospective students & their families the opportunity to have a virtual tour of HQ, see a selection of our incredible tutors teaching class & have the chance to find out more about our course & ask any questions during the Q&A with myself & our Principal.

    You can book tickets via our News & Events page.

    We couldn’t be prouder of our students & staff for their resilience, dedication & determination during this unprecedented & challenging time.

    I look forward to meeting you personally or virtually soon! Stay Safe

    Vikki Bussell – Vice Principal 


    End of Term – December 2020

    This Autumn term has seen Masters ensure the safe return to training for all of our students. Whilst this has been under very different measures for all and with our Covid risk assessment firmly in place, the health & safety of both students and staff remain at the forefront.

    We are proud that our training programme along with our resident faculty has been able to fully deliver their teaching to all of our students in their designated class bubbles and that we have been able to reconnect personally again with everyone at our HQ in a safe and trusted environment.

    Following all Government guidelines and restrictions, we shall continue with our current scheduling and safety measures into 2021.

    Masters have stayed in close contact with our Graduates of 2020 in many forms, including welcoming back a group of them to complete a six-week course with us, during the first part of this Autumn term.

    We have also very close to launching a new area on our website dedicated to our Graduates, ensuring our relationship and knowledge of our Graduates continues as they leave us.

    We continue to ensure and support that their transition into the industry is as successful and kind as possible.

    The Autumn term has also seen new faculty members take up roles within the team, including within Senior Management, with the appointment of Vikki Bussell as Vice Principal of Masters.

    In our core faculty we welcome Marvyn Charles in the Musical Theatre department, Matt Mellor in the Singing department and Tom Broderick in the Classical Ballet department.

    Mitchell Hunt now takes the role of Acting Course Co-Ordinator, Blair Anderson as Musical Theatre Course Co-ordinator and Jonathan Eio as Singing Course Co-ordinator.

    This term at Masters, we have also been very fortunate to invite Guest Creatives regularly in to deliver workshops, running parallel with our resident faculty.

    Following its creation during the summer months, we have also introduced Our Advisory Panel to our students and welcomed the panel all personally into Masters HQ for a tour of our buildings and our first meeting to introduce them to our brand, our story and our vision. We look forward to continuing working closely with them next term and beyond, in our delivery of a safe space to train, breathe and be.

    The start of the autumn term also saw Our Student Voice created by Masters and voted in by our students and their board created. And as we continue to listen with respect, we also watch with pride as this voice flourishes.

    Chosen Charities have also been supported by Masters, Our Student Voice and our students throughout this term and we look forward to expanding this platform as we head into 2021.

    With the growth of our Wellbeing services during the summer months, offering webinars and workshops supporting mental health and raising awareness this has been a key part of returning to College life for all of us and this continues to be paramount.

    You can read in further detail on all the above – just click the Education & Support tab on the home page.

    Whilst the World and our Industry is on a slight pause, Masters is not standing still.

    The training programme that we offer continues to thrive here at the HQ and we champion all of our students fight, individuality and determination along with gratitude for our faculty.

    For potential new students we have launched two Virtual Open Days through December & January ( check the news page to book ) and our first LIVE audition being in January 2021, along with holding Virtual auditions throughout the year ( check the Entry & Auditions page to apply ).

    We now look forward to a brand new year ahead together, welcoming auditionees to Masters and achieving a positive 2021.

    Masters wish you all a very happy, safe and peaceful Christmas with health, hope and happiness for the New Year.

    Matt Plummer – Principal

  5. STATEMENTS FROM OUR DIRECTORS 15/6/2020 & 05/06/2020 & 09/07/2020

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    During what can only be described as a challenging and unsettling period for all – Masters have stayed connected and committed to our students, with online training throughout this global pandemic. Our students and faculty have shown immense application to these difficult times. Masters have also navigated themselves through these unprecedented times, by ensuring that we continue to reach out to both local and national MP’s. Letting our voice be heard in championing the arts and our own colleges aims, goals and place within this Industry. Applying for grants and lobbying with local parliament to help raise support. Our main aim now is to get all of our students and staff safely back into full training and work for September, as restrictions continue to ease but ultimately when it is safe to do so. The Health and safety of everyone remains paramount. We are working tirelessly to understand and keep up to speed with the UK Governments guidelines, as Masters make ready for the Autumn Term. Please be assured that as a Team, we are preparing for all outcomes but ultimately we have the vision and focus for a September return. Whatever format this may also be forced to take, the safety of all will be at the forefront, followed closely by a full training programme to fit and suit all circumstances and eventualities.

    For further information please email [email protected]

    Thank You

    Matt Plummer – Principal



    Following our previous statement Masters would like to reach out to you as we continue to listen and learn from our student experiences. Together we are stronger and committed to ensure an equal, safe and fully inclusive place to train, breathe and be. We respect this is the start of a long road ahead and we would like to thank you in advance for allowing us the time to action. We are working as a Team and recognise change is vital and that change starts now.


    We would like to outline our proposals with you and welcome conversation with us by emailing [email protected] alongside regular visits to our website, which will detail all of these policies as they develop further.


    Our Advisory Panel

    Masters are fully immersed in stage one of creating this independent panel, actively reaching out & holding daily conversations with a number of respected voices within the Black, Asian & Ethnically Diverse communities to join as representatives in order to create a diverse, balanced & informative panel. Focusing now on key issues, these key voices will highlight where reviews, situations & changes need to be made across management, faculty & student areas. We are grateful and respect the conversations we have had already on this and for the commitment shown to us.


    Our Student Council

    A consistent & committed plan to hear every single student voice equally.

    Following detailed research into this area across all education platforms we are creating The Student Council.

    A combined effort from all sides to create a platform that is ultimately led by a board of students, voted by the students, for the students.

    Throughout each term the council will feedback to management in order to open up conversations between both parties, respectfully continuing to hear their voices.


    Our Wellbeing, Mindset, Mental Health & Nutrition

    Masters are committed to increase our current services offered & provide a consistent safe place for all conversation.

    By enhancing our current service, we are reaching out to sources and specialised consultants within these fields to provide an equal & balanced service available to all students & faculty.

    We acknowledge, respect & remain mindful.

    Thank you

    Masters Performing Arts



    We acknowledge that we have shown failure in our duty of care towards our Black, Asian , And Ethnically Diverse students who have trained with us.
    We must take this opportunity to offer our deepest apologies. We now realise the experience of our Black, Asian and Ethnically Diverse students has not been where it needs to be.

    This needs to change. This will change.

    We had always hoped that Masters was fully inclusive, encouraging and a supportive environment for all, however we now understand that this has not been everyone’s experience and this is something we deeply regret.

    We are conducting an internal review alongside reaching out individually to students past and present to respectfully hear their voice.
    We are sincerely committed to listen, learn and re-educate ourselves so any previous mistakes are avoided as we move forward to create a space where all students feel equal, confident and safe.

    The Directors
    Masters Performing Arts